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Fixing json part and removing slashes....'; $part = wp_automatic_fix_json_part($part); if(wp_automatic_trim($part ) != ''){ //remove slashes $part_parts = explode(',', $part); foreach($part_parts as $key => $part_part){ $part_part = wp_automatic_trim($part_part); if(preg_match ("!^'.*?'$!" , $part_part)){ $part_part = preg_replace( "!^'(.*?)'$!" , "$1" , $part_part ); $part_parts[$key] = $part_part; } } if(is_array($part_parts) && count($part_parts) > 0){ $part = implode(',' , $part_parts); } } } return $part; } //convert extracted part from json to regular text function wp_automatic_fix_json_part($json_part){ $json_string = '["' . $json_part . 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Gaining Weight on the Carnivore Diet | AMA https://wellnesssoji.com/gaining-weight-on-the-carnivore-diet-ama/ https://wellnesssoji.com/gaining-weight-on-the-carnivore-diet-ama/#respond Mon, 06 Jan 2025 10:14:19 +0000 https://wellnesssoji.com/gaining-weight-on-the-carnivore-diet-ama/ Check on YouTube

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Are Low Carb Diets Bad For Muscle Growth? (Science Explained) https://wellnesssoji.com/are-low-carb-diets-bad-for-muscle-growth-science-explained/ https://wellnesssoji.com/are-low-carb-diets-bad-for-muscle-growth-science-explained/#respond Tue, 31 Dec 2024 10:04:20 +0000 https://wellnesssoji.com/are-low-carb-diets-bad-for-muscle-growth-science-explained/ Check on YouTube

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I’m EMBARRASSED to Share My Weight GAIN Ketogenic Diet Week 162 #ketotransformation https://wellnesssoji.com/im-embarrassed-to-share-my-weight-gain-ketogenic-diet-week-162-ketotransformation/ https://wellnesssoji.com/im-embarrassed-to-share-my-weight-gain-ketogenic-diet-week-162-ketotransformation/#respond Thu, 26 Dec 2024 09:49:06 +0000 https://wellnesssoji.com/im-embarrassed-to-share-my-weight-gain-ketogenic-diet-week-162-ketotransformation/ Check on YouTube

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Do Calories Matter When Doing the Ketogenic Diet? – Dr. Berg https://wellnesssoji.com/do-calories-matter-when-doing-the-ketogenic-diet-dr-berg/ https://wellnesssoji.com/do-calories-matter-when-doing-the-ketogenic-diet-dr-berg/#respond Tue, 26 Nov 2024 08:42:49 +0000 https://wellnesssoji.com/do-calories-matter-when-doing-the-ketogenic-diet-dr-berg/ Check on YouTube

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